Friday, May 15, 2009

Wow, it's been a really long time since I posted anything. We've been quite busy the last while, most recently with Emerson's dedication and then our trip to Disney World. And in Emerson news, we are in trouble because she has really figured out how to get where she wants to go. She gets her foot pressed in to the ground and just pushes along the floor until she reaches whatever it is. And at her favourite thing to get seems to be anything paper. It's definitely harder to to keep things out of her reach with 2 other children at home!

Kennedy has become quite the little photographer. Guess she's going to take after her daddy. I'll have to post some of her pictures, they're pretty good.

Chad took some pictures of Emerson on her 5 month birthday, they're so cute. She had the cutest little faces. I'll post pictures from our trip and Emerson's dedication soon.

1 comment:

pjcrisp said...

those are absolutely precious, i love them!