Tuesday, May 26, 2009

One of the pictures Kennedy took. She's doing a really great job with the camera. Kennedy took this of Parker right when he woke up from his nap.

I'm not sure when this was from but I think it's such a funny picture of Kennedy.

Monday, May 25, 2009

We just found some pictures on my camera from when Chad took the kids camping.

Kennedy really loves marshmallows.

Our new tent, and Kennedy the morning after she ate too many s'mores.

Someday we might try camping with the whole family. If only I could get over my fear of snakes.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I bought a Disney digital scrapbook kit (for the very, very inexpensive price of $1.50!) on eBay and wanted to do a test page to make sure I could actually post the pages I make before I do a whole bunch of them. I guess I won't know whether or not it worked until I post this. Tonight Kennedy was looking at a picture she'd drawn before we went to Disney World of the castle and Mickey Mouse and our family. She looks up and in a very unhappy voice informs me that she didn't find Mickey while we were at Disney World. She was quite upset and I felt really bad! She has never liked anyone dressed up as any kind of character (including, actually especially, Santa Claus) so I didn't think she'd even want to see Mickey or anyone else. We did see Pooh, Tiger and Eeyore but as you'll eventually see when I get to all the pictures she was hiding from them. I wish she'd told me when we were there that she had wanted to see Mickey. We did almost go see Mickey but the line was 45 minutes and because I know that by the time we got up to Mickey she wouldn't even look at him, we decided not to wait.

She also mentioned to me this week that she was "very sad that she came home and the baby was out of my tummy because she wanted to see the baby come out of my tummy". Not once in 5.5 months has she mentioned anything like that. It was such a random statement. Although I am very happy with my decision not to have the older two at Emerson's birth, I am sad for her that she's sad about it. Maybe next time, and yes, I do want more kids but I like having them 2 years apart so I'm not ready just yet. Now if only I can convince Chad.

I was looking through some pictures and found this one that I'd never seen before. I think it's such a cute picture of Parker and Emerson. Emerson was 9 days old.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

Wow, it's been a really long time since I posted anything. We've been quite busy the last while, most recently with Emerson's dedication and then our trip to Disney World. And in Emerson news, we are in trouble because she has really figured out how to get where she wants to go. She gets her foot pressed in to the ground and just pushes along the floor until she reaches whatever it is. And at her favourite thing to get seems to be anything paper. It's definitely harder to to keep things out of her reach with 2 other children at home!

Kennedy has become quite the little photographer. Guess she's going to take after her daddy. I'll have to post some of her pictures, they're pretty good.

Chad took some pictures of Emerson on her 5 month birthday, they're so cute. She had the cutest little faces. I'll post pictures from our trip and Emerson's dedication soon.