Monday, August 13, 2012

My sweet little helper!

Parker loves to help in the kitchen. We're taking dinner to someone from our SS class tonight that just had a baby and he's helping me make mini cheesecakes for them.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Someone doesn't want to go to sleep tonight!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Emerson on her date night.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Date nights with the kids.

Ever since Reese was born Kennedy has felt like she wants more time with just her and me. She often cries about it at bedtime and it breaks my heart. She is a really wonderful oldest sister though, she's so sweet and loving and helpful to/with the others. After reading the Five Love Languages at my mom's and reading a bit how it applies to children as well I'd say her love language is quality time.

So this week I took her to see Brave (FYI, not the greatest Disney movie in my opinion). Then of course Chad had to take Park the next night and then he just took Emerson for ice cream, which she was happy about, the night after.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Date night!

Reese is a crazy climber. She is constantly climbing on something. It's maddening trying to keep her off the table. Yesterday she decided to try to climb in to her crib, she didn't actually want to be in it (I put her in after watching her try several times and she cried to get out), I think she just wanted to know if she could do it.