Friday, June 29, 2012

Happy Birthday Reese!

Today is Reese's first birthday.  I can't believe it's here already, this year has passed faster than any year in my life so far!

Reese is taking lots of steps but isn't walking confidently yet.  We're okay with that though, she's getting in to everything as it is.  This week she's being staying asleep better and going back to sleep faster after I feed her during the night, some nights anyways!  Hopefully that continues to improve as one of the very few things I'm actually looking forward to about no more babies at our house is more sleep.  She still doesn't like to eat very much.  We did discover last night that she really likes spaghetti.  At least she did last night.

Kennedy, Parker, and Emerson still love her just as much as when she was born.  I thought the novelty of a new baby might wear off but it hasn't.  They are all so good with her.  Kennedy even changed a poopy diaper this week.  I was just joking when I asked her but she said ok and went and did it.  A few weeks ago Parker was playing with Reese on the floor and I hear him saying to her "Baby Reese I love to be with you".  Just yesterday Kennedy was telling me for the hundredth time how much she loves Reese and that she was just the perfect baby that she had been wanting.  Emerson loves to try to carry her around like the older two.  Unfortunately for Reese she usually ends up with her arms just around her neck nearly choking her or dropping her.  She wants to be such a big helper but she is just too little at the moment.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Reese's First Steps!

Today Reese started walking a bit.  She has been going from sitting to standing without pulling herself up on anything for several weeks but any time we tried to get her to take a step she would fall down.  Today though Chad set her on the side of the pool to get her to jump in and she turned herself around and just started walking.  She did it again several more times today.  Not long ways but several steps.  And she just woke up after sleeping all of 20 minutes so I'll have to finish this another time :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

This weekend we had Kennedy and Emerson’s ballet recitals.  Unfortunately they were on two different days.  As always, thank you so much to everyone that took time out of their busy weekends to come to not one, but two performances!!  We appreciate it so much and it means so much to the kids as well to have their family come and watch.   Chad taped their performances so I'm going to try to upload the videos somewhere so everyone can see.
This picture makes Reese's hair look red.  Not sure if it really is or if it's just the lighting.  Her craze hairstyle is thanks to her daddy.