Thursday, April 12, 2012

On Saturday we went to Winston Salem to see Chad's Grandpa and his mom.
We didn't get a great Easter picture. Trying to get 4 kids to look and smile at the same time is rather tough. Parker looks so cute in this one though.
Reese started waving bye this week. She turns her hand towards herself though instead of at the person she's waving too.

Friday, April 6, 2012

We went to the beach this past weekend with my mom and Bob before they left to go back home. We've so enjoyed having them in NC since December and are sad to see them go. Emerson especially doesn't understand that they are going back to Canada. After they left the beach she kept asking for my mom and I was trying to explain that she was gone. She broke down in one of her crying fits and was insisting that I could just drive her down to their RV to see her. We're looking forward to seeing them at their cottage this summer!

My days are no longer just flying by, they are now passing at warp speed and finding the time to update our blog has not happened.

Reese has grown so much since my last post. She's nine months already! She crawls really quickly, climbs up the stairs, can reach the table and tries to grab everything off, cruises around the furniture, likes to take wobbly steps when I hold her hands, and this weeks new trick - opening the toilet lid and putting her hand in! And then she slams her fingers with the lid. She still doesn't like sleep so much but she is getting much better. Last night she went to sleep around 8, woke up at midnight and I got her back to sleep around 1:30 and then slept til 7:15am. I don't go to bed before midnight so I was still up when she woke up and I'm still tired this morning but 1:30-7:15 seems like a lot of sleep these days!