Wednesday, December 28, 2011

And she's off . . .

This week Reese achieved the milestone I have both been looking forward too and dreading. She's mobile! Commando crawling I guess. She pulls herself with her arms and pushes with her feet and is now all over the floor. Why am I dreading this? Because Parker has thousands of tiny lego pieces. And then he got thousands of more tiny pieces for Christmas! They're bright and colourful and just the perfect size for Reese to choke on. On a more positive note, hopefully she'll enjoy being put down a little more often and for more than a few minutes.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Our attempt at a picture of the kids last Sunday. Emerson was not in the mood.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

We had a really busy weekend! Kennedy and Emerson had their ballet recital Saturday morning and to make it easier for our families who travel for the kids things we decided to have their birthday party the same day. Unfortunately all of our family didn't come but we really appreciated everyone who did make it. It means a lot to the kids and to us! A special thanks to Lara for flying down from Boston in the middle of her own really busy time just for their recital and the parties! That same night there was also a surprise 60th party for my mom's husband Bob at our house. So it was a busy, busy day!

The girls did a great job on their dances.

The 2 and 3 year olds are so cute!

Friday, December 2, 2011

How did she turn 3 so fast?
Happy 3rd Birthday Emerson Rose.
Dec 2009
Dec 2010
Last weekend