Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Reese is growing up so fast! Like all babies I guess. She'll be 4 months old this week. She's rolling over and she loves to make lots of sounds for us. The kids keep her entertained with "goo goo ga ga" song, which is any song they sing but they replace the words with goo goo ga ga. Kennedy is great at talking to her in a very high pitched voice that Reese loves to smile for. She was 12lbs last time we weighed her. Seems small, but she was only 7lbs when she was born so she's right on track with her growth.

It took Reese awhile to enjoy bath time. She does now though and Chad gives her a bath most nights while I start getting the other three ready for bed. Kennedy, Parker and Emerson are currently all sleeping in Kennedy's room. Parker sleeps on the trundle that pulls out from Kennedy's bed and Emerson is sleeping on a blanket on the floor. We keep trying to get them to move back to their own rooms but at the moment they really prefer all being together.
We have been so very busy at our house that we ended up celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving a week late. For the 5th year in a row we've followed our tradition of inviting a different group of people to share Thanksgiving with us. This year we had some of Chad's coworkers and a family that he met uptown (although they live just down the street from us) either at the Greek Restaurant they own or at the gym, I can't remember.
Parker is really enjoying his first experience with soccer. He only has two games left which I'm sure he'll be sad about!

Chad's mom June came down this past weekend to help out with the kids while Reese and I were in Boston. Thanks June!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011