Sunday, May 29, 2011

Here is a link to our slideshow of our trip to Disney & the beach.

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Easter 2011

It was so hot on Easter that after getting home from church and having brunch we spent the afternoon outside. Emerson loves getting people with this water thing.
That's her very serious I'm going to get you face.
Parker has become obsessed with lego. He was thrilled to see one in his Easter basket.
This Easter the kids got lots of Easter surprises. In addition to their Easter baskets from us, my mom gave them Easter presents before she left for Kansas, my dad dropped off Easter baskets a few days before Easter and June was with us on Easter and gave them baskets as well. Thanks to all of you!

We came home a few days ago from a trip to Disney World and a couple of days at the beach. We're working on getting a slide show (I think we have about 1,000 pictures so we're trying to get that number down a little!) of our trip and I'll post the link when we have one. In the mean time here's a picture of the kids that we took when we went for dinner at the Animal Kingdom Lodge. We'd love to stay there one day, you can see animals right out your window! We walked out after dinner to see them and saw giraffes and zebras.

This pregnancy is passing sooooo quickly. I am due in 7 weeks. I can't believe the baby is almost here! I'm still feeling fine with the exception of restless leg & insomnia. It was HOT at Disney and I was happy to get back to Charlotte where it's been cooler.

One of the Y pools near us opened this weekend (oddly ours doesn't open for 2 more weeks but this one that is about 15 minutes from us opened today) and we enjoyed some time at the pool this afternoon. The weather was perfect. It was in the 70s and the water was still cool so it felt wonderful. I think we'll be back again after church tomorrow.

Parker and Kennedy loved the 5 slides they have at this Y. Emerson did NOT love that she couldn't join them. Last week she realized that with a life jacket on she can swim all over like a little fish. We spent every afternoon at the water parks at Disney and she was able to go on quite a few of the water slides that you wouldn't expect a 2yo to be allowed on and she absolutely loved them. So I don't think she understood why today she couldn't go on the tiny little slides at the Y. Might be a long summer!

Watch the video on this link of the toboggan racers at Blizzard Beach, one of Disney's water parks. I was soooo worried when Chad took her down this one. It's much bigger than it looks in the video and I was sure she would come down crying but no, she had the biggest smile on her face and said the same thing that she did at the end of every ride or slide that she liked "that fun, go again!".