Wednesday, April 13, 2011

We can't get our external hard drive that we keep all our pictures on to work right now so I don't really have any pictures except this one of Parker from Sunday. This was Parker's first time wearing a tie. He's worn a bow tie a couple of times (he didn't like that either) but this was the first actual tie. It's a clip on tie. We thought he looked really cute. He was not happy! Chad did eventually get him to smile for a picture. I had to promise him lemon sorbet to get him to wear it to church. I know there are lots of people who don't believe bribing children is the best way to parent but sometimes it's effective! I don't think it was even the tie so much that was bothering him, I think it was his shirt being buttoned all the way. I could see how that would feel restrictive, especially if you're not used to it.