Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Still in the 90s here, and that's still the forecast for the next 10 days. Apparently we're close to breaking a record with that. Maybe this winter we can break some snow records :)

Click on the following link for pictures from the kids birthday party.

Password: Emerson

Friday, September 17, 2010

Chad keeps telling me I need to update the blog. We were so busy this summer that it just flew by. I couldn't believe how quickly Labour Day came and summer was over. Although you wouldn't know it by the temperature here. It's still in the 90s! Here's hoping we get some cooler weather very soon.

After coming back from our first trip to Canada, I spent the next few weeks getting ready for the fall/winter consignment sale. It was the first weekend in August. We spent the 2 weeks after that getting everything finished up with the sale and then left to go to my mom's cottage in northern Ontario for 2 weeks. We had a very relaxing time and enjoyed the cooler temperatures. We got back Labour Day weekend and have been trying to get in to some kind of every day routine which consists mostly of school, speech therapy, play dates, and trying to keep the house in some sort of semi-clean state.

This weekend we're having a pool party for Kennedy and Parker's birthday at my dad's house. We usually do their party together in the middle of August since their birthdays are so close together and right now they have all the same friends anyways. Plus it saves our relatives from having to come down for 2 different birthdays a month apart. It's always soooo hot when we do their party so we thought it would be nice to have it at my dad's and cool off in the pool.
Here are some pictures from our summer. I'll try to get more posted soon.

We spent as much time as we could in water this summer.
The kids love the beach and the pool and the lake.

Kennedy turned 6! She looks so much older than she did even last Christmas.
Emerson loves to dress up.

Never far from his sword or pirate ships.
Just like her mommy! I used to love drinking pickle juice. Gross, I know.
Lara came down and was an enormous help with my sale. Chris came down Friday-Sunday and he also helped out a lot.
Parker's birthday present - pirate ships
Our little man turned 4 years old!