Friday, April 9, 2010

We went to Lazy 5 Ranch while my mom was here. It had been a long time since we were there and the kids had been begging to go.

Emerson with one of her favourite things - a purse!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


We had a really nice Easter. My sister Lara came down from Boston for the weekend and we went to Charleston. The weather was perfect, the water was cool (which I prefer to how hot the ocean gets during the summer here), and we just had a really great time.
We went to an Easter service outside at Boone Hall Plantation. The kids sat well for the first little while but got wiggly during the sermon so Chad took them to run around a little bit. Apparently Emerson was not to happy having her picture taken.
I just love this picture. I think we'll definitely need to get it blown up!
I know the kids aren't really looking but this is the only picture Lara took after telling us to take our sunglasses off because we were in a hurry to get to the beach and do our Easter egg hunt.

We have lots more pictures to post once I get them downloaded. I also have lots of pictures from when my mom and Bob were here. They came down for a few months and stayed at an extended stay hotel. We were very sad that they left the week before Easter! Especially since it was my mom's idea to go to Charleston for Easter but we were happy that they did get to spend a lot of time with us.

When we got to the Easter service Parker kept looking around. I asked him what he was looking for and he said he was looking for God. I told him God was there but we couldn't see him and he asked if God walked away. I think it's a bit of a difficult concept for a 3 year old!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Apparently our new compost box from Chad's mom June makes a great hideout!
Enjoying some play time at the mall play area.

Kennedy the Fairy Princess