Sunday, March 21, 2010

I never posted pictures of my trip to Boston last June with Lara, Jana & Emerson. I came across them tonight and thought I'd share a few. This was the neatest little town. I can't remember the name but it was so cute!
If you're expecting a baby, you should definitely invest in a wrap type sling. I've tried lots of slings and this one is my favourite style, especially for an infant. Emerson was so happy in there.
More of the cute town.
"Look at you . . . you have a baby . . . in a bar!"
That's from the movie Sweet Home Alabama, it's what I think of when I see this picture.

Just a quick picture from this month's trip to Disney World. I'll get a slide show up someday soon I hope.

We just watched a show on ABC, something about Jamie Oliver's food revolution. I thought it was going to be boring but it was actually interesting and rather scary. He is a chef and is going in to a school in WV in a city that apparently is the most overweight in the country. Scary, scary stuff that the kids are being fed in schools! I think it comes on again Friday, if you need something to watch I would recommend it. I happend upon this website by a lady who is eating a school lunch every day this year. I just read through the last two posts but they were quite interesting.

This is all particuarly of interest to me right now because we are starting an elimination diet. We're eating meat (antibiotic & hormone free), organic beans & rice, and vegetables and fruit. As my mom keeps reminding me, it's going to be fun at our house! The kids have definite signs of food allergy and/or intolerance issues that I'd like to get resolved and I think this is the best way to figure out what's causing them. I just had a thought though, I wonder if the chicken I just bought today was being fed soy. I'll have to call the store and ask them. It's shocking how many foods have soy in them. We know Emerson doesn't tolerate soy well and I would venture a guess that the other two don't either. Maybe soy beans in their natural state, but not the processed soy in so many foods. Some symptoms of allergies you might not think of:

Physical:Diarrhea, constipation, dark circles under the eyes (allergic/Intolerant shiners), rash, failure to thrive, eye wrinkles, red ears, patchy tongue, red tipped nose, joint stiffness, pimples on buttocks, eczema, translucent skin, gas pain, itching, runny nose, hives, swelling, tongue soreness, sneezing, wheezing, watery eyes, rattling chest, persistent cough, recurring ear infections, bronchitis, rash around anus, mucousy diarrhea, bloating, mouth sores, ulcers, vomiting, IBS, flatulence, constipation, swelling. Severe reactions can cause anaphylactic shock.

Behavioral:Uncontrollable behavior, aggression, crying, tantrums, hyperactivity, behavior that resembles attention deficit disorder, inability to concentrate or stay still, depression, baby screaming, colic, fatigue, migraines, night waking, sore muscles and joints, unruly child.

My challenge is going to be cooking food that they will actually eat. They do love fruit, but obviously they can't eat only fruit for 4 weeks. They also like salad, broccoli, carrots & avocados. Now if I could just get them to like beans and rice! Tonight we had taco baked potatoes. Sort of. We didn't have any toppings other than guacamole that I made. Well Chad did have salsa and some cheese sauce that was still in our fridge.

I don't know what we're going to have tomorrow night. I need to go searching for some recipes made up of the limited number of ingredients we can eat at the moment. I'll let you know how it turns out. I know everyone is dying to know :)

Well it's 12:40am and I hear our darling Emerson crying. She's been sleeping sooooo badly lately. Every night she ends up in our bed shortly after we do. She cries and moves around all night. She wants to lay on top of me which prevents me from getting much sleep. I think it's because she's teething. At least, I hope that's what it is because I am tired!

Friday, March 19, 2010

I just went on facebook for the first time in months (I've been signed up for about 15 months and have maybe made it on 3 or 4 times) to respond to a message from a friend from Canada that we met when I was 11. While on there I stumbled across this thing from trip advisor where you map out all the places you've travelled. We were blessed to travel a lot growing up and I hope that our children will be able to have the same expriences. Looking at this map I realized how much of the world I still need to see!