Friday, January 23, 2009

We were so excited to have several inches of snow this week. Press play below to see some pictures of our snow day.
Click to play Snow Day Jan 09
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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Click to play Christmas 2008
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The Panthers

I was sooo very excited that the Panthers made it to the playoff. And even more excited that their game was on a Saturday night at 8 so I could watch it in peace. Emerson and I put on our football clothes to cheer them on. And then we watched almost in shock as all Superbowl hopes went down in flames in a stunningly horrible game that was painful to watch. There's always next year I guess.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

It's been longer than I realized since I've updated our blog. It's been hard to find the time lately! At the moment every one in the house is in bed except for me. I'm waiting to make sure Emerson is really asleep before I go to bed. She's a great baby, now if we could just get her to sleep for longer periods at night and be awake much less during the night things would be fantastic. Kennedy and Parker loooove their new sister. They love to hold her and kiss her and rock her and try to get her to hold on to toys. Parker apparently thinks she's hungry because he keeps trying to sneak her food.

We had a wonderful and busy Christmas. We were blessed to get to see every one of our immediate family members. Considering that my dad lives in Charlotte, one sister in Boston, another in Dallas, and my mom in northern Ontario I'm thrilled that they were all so kind as to come to the very unchristmasy Charlotte over Christmas. I don't think I expressed my appreciation to all of you. It meant so much to be with each of you at some point during the holidays.

I'll post pictures later. Here's one that Chad took of Kennedy and Emerson that I just love. Kennedy loves to have Emerson lay on her tummy and Emerson is surprising content there.