Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Emerson Rose

We had a baby girl on Tuesday night. I went to a chiropractor someone had recommended Monday at 5 who for some reason suggested doing accupressure and by 6 started having contractions about every 20 minutes. By 11 they were every 5 minutes and more painful than either of my first two labours at any point. By 1am they were every 2 minutes but then they started spreading out again. Until about 9:00pm on Tuesday I had a contraction about every 10 minutes but sometimes farther apart. I really didn't think the baby was ever going to come because, while the contractions hurt way more than they did with Kennedy or Parker, they just never got close together. I started feeling really crabby and a little naseous so I decided to get in the bath at about 9pm. The water wasn't very warm so I asked DH to go boil some water. I felt like getting on my hands and knees for my next contraction and felt my water break. Two contractions later the head was out and I was yelling for Chad to come upstairs (the kids were at my dad's house). Two contractions after that he was pulling her out of the water. So after what seemed like a never ending labour, the actual birth was very quick. She weighs 9lb 4oz and is 21 1/2". We're both doing great. Kennedy and Parker are loving her and I'm very much appreciating all the extra work Chad has been doing so Emerson and I can rest in bed for a few days. Chad's been taking a lot of pictures and putting them online for our families. To save time posting pics I'm just going to put the link. You have to go to client slideshows and then baby Fulk.

Monday, December 1, 2008

yep, still pregnant

We really wanted to make the drive up to Boone this year to get a tree but I didn't feel like sitting in the car that long (and I erroneoulsy thought the baby might decide to come if we tried going anywhere) so we went to the oh so exciting Wal-Mart parking lot. We did get a great price on our tree. Kennedy and Parker loved this Christmas blow-up. Kennedy danced with it for quite a long time. Us with our tree.

We kept Kennedy up late two nights in a row so she could decorate the tree with us after Chad got home. The first night she fell asleep on the sofa before Chad was finished with the lights. Helping daddy hang lights is hard work! The second night she got a little bored with decorating the tree and decided it would be more fun if I decorated her. She now asks to be decorated several times every day.

Not the greatest picture of the tree. It looks really beautiful in person. Chad does such a great job.

Baby update - Despite 11 hours of contractions yesterday, still no baby. I'm going to see a chiropractor this afternoon so maybe that will help. Chad has been busy decorating our house. As usual, he's done a great job. We don't have a great picture of the tree yet so here's one from last year.