Monday, September 22, 2008

Matthews Fire Station May 2008

Kennedy & Parker really enjoyed the trip to the fire station. I can't believe how much older Parker looks since then.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Third Trimester Nesting

With about 10 weeks to go until my due date I have gone into serious nesting mode. We are trying to organize and make space in our overstuffed house. We've taken 4 Expedition loads to goodwill, tons into the garbage, sold stuff on craigslist (I love!! craigslist), and on ebay and have lots more ging to all those places still. So last night I finished cleaning out our master bedroom closet. After showing over 100 homes this past year in this exact square footage and in the past couple of weeks showing about 30 condos in the 1000-1300sf range, I have to say we have by far the smallest master bedroom closet in Charlotte. It's crazy, all the homes and even every single one of the condos had a closet that was at least 2x the size of ours. Considering we also have no attic storage, it's now wonder we're completely out of storage space in our house. Anyways, for all my family members who have seen the knee high, and no I'm not exaggerating, disaster that has been our closet since we moved in over 2 years ago, I thought you would be proud of my latest accomplishment.